Supported Independent Living (SIL)
Do you want to live as independently as possible? The NDIS provides Supported Independent Living (SIL) funding so you can find the right staff to support you with daily tasks in your home. SIL funding is also available to those who live in shared accommodation with other NDIS participants.
At Golden Age Home Care, our SIL services are available no matter what your support need or no matter how complex your need is. We will work with you to develop SIL supports that are completely flexible. They can include shared hours of one-to-one or two-to-one support, and include any type of overnight support.
We can also submit a SIL quote for funding to the NDIA. We have experience working with Support Coordinators, families, and other professionals to develop quotes based on available assessments and other support documentation.
We have a high success rate at getting our quotes approved, so if you are looking for quality support to live as independently as possible, call us to discuss how we can help you.
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for Your Loved Ones
Overcoming Obstacles, Encouraging Abilities. Our mission is to ensure freedom of choice. Individuality and dignity remain in the hands of those we care for, whilst striving towards clients reaching their full potential
Each and every one in our team has the ability to create special moments, both big and small. Our focus is to find ways to make things better and be the difference in the lives of our clients.